| YouFixit own brand transformer The transformer of the Hahn company with type number BV EI 481 0196 can, unfortunately, under certain conditions of use, after a number of years, have its primary winding interrupted or a secondary winding short-circuited. In the first case, the result is that the machine breaks down occasionally at first and then permanently. In the second case, the voltage on the secondary winding is too low to control the motor properly.
Due to the age of the machines where this occurs (rarely within 8 years), replacement of the electronics (the advice from the Miele Service Department) is not considered a realistic option by most people due to the high costs involved (approx. €400.00). A call on Miele's goodwill is unrealistic after so many years (and any extended warranty will have expired by now), while the expected age of these machines is at least 6,000 washes (10,000 operating hours or, in normal use with 300 washes of 1.5 hours per year, over 16 years). When the first machines with this transformer broke down, YouFixit already had several years of experience repairing various modules in older models. It was therefore only logical that we also included the EL140 and EL150 modules in our service programme.
However, in September 2012 the sale of transformers for Miele electronics to the trade was stopped by order of Miele. We respect this position of Miele.
At that time, we had already helped many hundreds of households in Europe with a significant extension of the life of their Miele washing machine. The expectation was that many more would follow. We therefore had no choice but to look for an alternative to the original Hahn transformer.
We have now been using our own YouFixit house brand transformer for years. This transformer is identical to the original (of course with a different print) and is at least of the same quality as the original. We use this transformer for our own revisions of the EL140-, EL150 and EL180 boards and also offer it to electronics professionals who have the expertise and facilities to replace this transformer themselves.
Our urgent advice to non-professionals is not to replace this transformer yourself, but to send the PCB to YouFixit for a complete revision. The main reason for this is that without the right knowledge and tools, there is a high risk that the pins will be pulled out with the soldering. The connection between the top and bottom of the PCB will then be interrupted. We can only repair this at extra cost. Another important reason is that the electronics in question also contain a number of other components that can shorten the maximum service life of the machine. These components are also included in our complete overhaul. Visit our page EL140/EL150 for all the information We are happy to offer this transformer as a replacement for the original to repair shops that have the expertise and facilities to carry out complete overhauls of the electronic modules in question. Please see below for the graduated pricing for larger volumes..  | Properties This transformer has the same electrical specifications as the original: prim: 230 V 50-60 Hz. sec 1: 20V 0,5VA sec 2: 20V 8,0 VA This transformer can (like the original) also be used as a replacement for the heavier BV EI 481 0197 (EL140 and some versions of the EL150 modules). The power of the BV EI 481 0197 is slightly higher (sec.2 = 11.0 VA), but in practice, this higher power is not necessary. To be on the safe side, we have replaced some of the relays with more energy-efficient ones (the same ones that Miele later used on the newer EL150 modules). |
Modules on which the transformer BV EI 481 0196 or BV EI 481 0197 is mounted: EL140, EL140-A, EL150, EL150-B, EL150-C EL150-D, EL180 For this article, a warranty period of 5 years applies, unless the component has become defective due to improper handling. 1) I will not give any instructions for disassembling and reassembling the transformer on the PCB. Because of the construction of this board, this can only be done successfully by a technician who is trained in it. If you do this yourself, you do so at your own risk and I cannot guarantee that the machine will function properly again afterwards. 2) see our International shipping fees
How does it work?
ConsumerContact a white goods specialist to repair your electronics. Most home appliance specialists in the Netherlands and other EU countries know how to find YouFixit (and if not, they can register with us via our general email address). White goods specialistIf you are not yet a YouFixit customer, you can register with us via our general email address, stating your Chamber of Commerce number and other details about your company. We will then send you our general terms and conditions and price list and ask you to complete the missing data and agree to our terms and conditions. | |